Tuesday 12 November 2013

Tough Journey to become a Fine Artist

       I was not a fine artist from the beginning.I was in a paramedical background.But there was something growing in my heart which was a passion towards the fine art.I was a very brilliant student since my childhood.In my medical sector,I was very intelligent,I had a very good logical thinking and carried out my work very efficiently.But,my heart was some where else.Trying to find out what i wanted as my career.Days passed by,weeks passed by and months passed by.The love towards fine arts was increasing and increasing.In my collage and training days,my paintings were good,I loved making anatomical objects out of clay,photography,etc.Once I prepared  THE GROSS STRUCTURE OF KIDNEY,3 Dimensional and colored.It was looking so beautiful and glossy that my college kept it for their training purpose. I made many posters related to medical and much much more.But still my heart was in search of  something.I was still in a medical background.I loved my medical background,but more than that,I was missing something in my life.There was some kind of emptiness still in my life.
       I tried to tell my mum,my hubby about my dream to get into a career which I like.But in those days no one supported me just my hubby supported me and he encouraged me saying that,"let God's time come". He will do everything good in his time.But I didn't understand it that time .I cried,i cried,i cried a lot.I didn't get support from any where.My mum said you have such a good qualification.You completed your Hospital administration,your medical informatics and every where you scored the best.If you go further you will earn so much.So many hospitals are open for you to take you.But,I said I don't know what my heart wants.If I can do so well the thing which i don't want to do,why can't I flourish,in the thing which my heart desires the most.Then my mum said you can't earn much out of this field.
       I always wanted to be a successful business woman.I loved fine arts too,but, i didn't know where to make these two things meet.I prayed Lord Jesus help me,if it is not your plan Lord, then delete it off,otherwise if this is your plan you make it successful.There was a storm going on in my heart which I cannot express in writing.I had the talent but I didn't know how to use it.More over nobody was supporting me.I became so stressed.But,I didn't lose my hope.I prayed,i prayed and prayed.I thought,if after praying i got such a good husband,then why won't i get a good career? My husband wanted to support me,but,he said that whatever you do,if it is not God's plan you won't be able to even step into it.Even,I didn't know what to do,how to do and what kind of thing I may be happy it.Really,it is very easy now-a-days to explore the world with the help of Google. But,exploring your own heart becomes difficult sometimes.
          Once,on my birthday,my hubby asked me what would you like as a gift on your birthday.I was so much in deep sorrow that I  said, i don't want any thing.But,then,i said OK let me at least do some painting and fulfill my heart's desire on my birthday.I asked my hubby to gift me some oil colors and 2 canvas boards.Without thinking anything,i asked him the gift.My hubby didn't stop me because that was my birthday gift,more over he gave me a freedom to explore my heart.I started painting and ended up in a very very realistic and beautiful painting which will soon be displayed on  http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/merlyndaniel-shepherd.html   
             Then I came to know what my heart wants.I knew that my heart wants to do some creative work to paint something and earn some thing out of that.After seeing that beautiful painting my mum and my hubby both agreed to let me do what my heart wants.More over,I was happy with whatever I was doing I found a great website www.fineartamerica.com.Seeing my passion and my dedication towards my work,my hubby gifted me a new DSLR camera and supported me more.From no support to great support,in just few days after my prayer.See!! How God works in an unusual way.
                 Now,I am following what my heart wants,and want to earn.Still there are many steps to be taken,and I have never lost my hope.Now I understand,what my hubby spoke that time to let God work and let his time come and yes!! god's time has come to do everything fine and slowly he is doing every thing fine.One fine day will definitely come in my life where God will gift me with great earning  and that I may be able to prove myself.I believe in Lord Jesus.I prayed and he gifted me the desire of my heart in just few days,which was very very impossible and I had almost lost the hopes in myself.But,hope in my God made me successful.Now,I explored about this field and have learnt many professional things as a fine artist till date.I always loved learning.Once I learn or read,I never forget it for life.I am a very quick learner by the grace of God and due to this it became very easy for me to learn new things as a fine artist .I have discovered many things and understood many deep things.
                 I would be sharing with you,all those things in the next blog.
Thanks for stopping at my blog and reading it.Your comments are appreciated!!
God Bless you all!!